
Dofus - Primary Characteristics

The primary characteristics are listed below. These are not considered basic only because the characteristic points that a player gains at each level cannot be used to increase these characteristics.  These characteristics are fundamental in defining the character's skills and competencies in various game scenarios, but require special methods to be improved beyond the points gained when leveling up.


Energy can be thought of as your character's life force. You lose energy when you are defeated by a monster or by another player in a non-challenge fight. If your energy reaches zero, you will become a ghost.

- Base Value: The base energy value for everyone is 10,000.

- Defeat by Monster: When defeated by a monster, you lose 10 energy per character level.

- Defeat by Player: When defeated by another player, you lose 10 energy per alignment level and 100 per alignment rank.

- Defeat by Perceptor: When defeated in a fight against a Perceptor, you lose an additional 3,000 energy.

Restoring Energy

- Food Items: The quickest way to restore energy is by eating certain food items.

- Logging Off/Merchant Mode: Another way to restore energy is by either logging off or switching to merchant mode while your character is in a tavern/inn or in a house. Characters regain 1 energy point per minute of disconnection anywhere, and 2 energy points per minute if they are disconnected in taverns/inns, class temples, or houses.

- Alternate Characters: Your character will recover energy even if you log back in and play an alternate character. When you log back in as the resting character, a notice in the chat window will tell you how much energy was gained.

Health Point Health Points (HP)

Health points (HP) keep your character alive in combat. If you reach 0 HP, your character is removed from the battle. If everyone on your side is defeated, your character may die (see death for details). If not, you will be restored to 1 HP when the battle ends unless you gained a level from the battle, in which case all HP will be restored.

- Starting HP: Each player character starts with 55 HP.

- HP Gain per Level: Players gain an additional 5 HP per level.

- Vitality: Total HP is affected by the character's Vitality.

Recovering HP

- Out of Combat: When not in combat, you recover 2 HP per second.

- Restoration Methods: HP can also be restored by using certain foods and spells. Leveling up your character will restore your HP to its maximum.


- Before Version 2.34: Characters recovered 1 HP per second normally, and 2 HP per second while using the sit or rest emotes.

Action Point Action Points (AP)

Action Points (AP) allow you to cast spells or attack with a weapon during combat. AP used will be removed from the AP gauge, which will then fill up again at the beginning of each turn.

- Base Value: The base value for every class is 6 AP.

- Equipment Modifications: Equipping certain items can raise or lower this base value prior to combat. Players often seek to increase their base AP to perform more actions during their turn, although they may accept a decrease in AP if it provides desired gains in other stats.

- Level 100 Bonus: Reaching level 100 permanently increases the base value to 7 AP.

Maximum AP

1. AP Limit: The maximum AP a player can have is 12.

  - Above Level 100: Players can achieve this with +5 AP from equipment.
  - Below Level 100: Players can achieve this with +6 AP from equipment.

2. Equipment Cap: While you can equip items that offer more than the maximum AP, any AP bonus beyond the cap will not be included.

Movement Point Movement Points (MP)

Movement Points (MP) allow you to move your character during combat. Moving your character one space on the grid requires one MP. Whenever you move, the MP used will be removed from the MP gauge, which will then fill up again at the beginning of each turn.

- Base Value: The base value for every class is 3 MP.

- Equipment Modifications: Equipping certain items can raise or lower this base value prior to combat. Players often seek to increase their base MP to move further during their turn, although they may accept a decrease in MP if it provides desired gains in other stats.

- Level 100: Reaching level 100 has no effect on the base value of MP.

Maximum MP

1. MP Limit: The maximum MP a player can have is 6.

- Equipment Bonus: Players can achieve this with +3 MP from equipment.

2. Equipment Cap: While you can equip items that offer more than the maximum MP, any MP bonus beyond the cap will not be included.


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Initiative Initiative (Init)

Initiative determines turn order in combat. The higher your Initiative, the greater chance your character has of acting before others. Taking damage lowers your character's Initiative, so starting a fight with full HP is advantageous.

In combat, the order of actions is determined as follows:

1. The combatant with the highest initiative goes first.

2. Then, the combatant with the highest initiative on the opposing team.

3. Next, the second highest initiative on the first team, followed by the second highest on the second team, and so on.

Factors Influencing Initiative

- Character Stats: Each point in Strength, Intelligence, Chance, or Agility contributes 1 Initiative point.

- Equipment: Certain equipment provides Initiative bonuses, while others may impose Initiative penalties.

Initiative Calculation Formula

Initiative = (Strength + Intelligence + Agility + Chance + Initiative Bonus) * (Remaining HP / Total HP)

This formula accounts for both character stats and current health status to determine the Initiative score.

Prospecting Prospecting (PP)

Prospecting increases your chances of obtaining drops from monsters at the end of a fight.

- Base Value: The base value for every class is 100 Prospecting.

Factors Influencing Prospecting

- Chance Points: Every 10 Chance points yield 1 Prospecting point.

Prospecting directly impacts the likelihood of acquiring loot from defeated monsters, making it a valuable attribute for adventurers seeking to enhance their rewards from combat encounters.

Range Range (Ra)

Range increases the maximum distance at which you can cast spells, provided their range is modifiable and not fixed.

1. Maximum Range: You can only have a maximum of 6 Range.

- Equipment Limit: Although you can equip items that offer more Range, the Range bonus beyond 6 will not be included.

Range is crucial for spellcasters who rely on ranged attacks or support spells, allowing them to maintain distance from enemies while still exerting influence on the battlefield.

Summon Summons (Sum)

Summons determines the maximum number of summoned creatures you can control at once during a fight.

- Summoned Creatures: A summon, also known as an invocation, is a creature created by certain spells. It fights for you or aids you in some manner, but you cannot directly control its actions.

- Base Summons: All characters have the potential to summon one creature, regardless of whether they possess summoning spells.

- Modifiers: Certain spells and equipment may increase the maximum number of summons you can control.

- Exceeding the Limit: If the number of summoned creatures exceeds your summoning stat, the excess creatures won't be killed, but you won't be able to summon additional creatures until the number of summoned creatures in the fight falls below your summons stat again.

Pods (Carrying Capacity)

Pods represent your character's carrying capacity. They determine how many items you can carry before becoming overloaded.

1. Overloaded: If your character carries items weighing more than its carrying capacity, it is considered "overloaded". While overloaded, certain actions are restricted:

- You cannot exchange with NPCs or Perceptors.

- You cannot run, but you can walk.

- While gathering, any resources that would make you overweight are lost, and no experience is gained from gathering.

2. Restrictions: Exchanging items with other players is not permitted if it would make you overweight. However, you can give enough items in return to avoid becoming overloaded.

3. Initiating Exchanges: F2P players cannot initiate an exchange while overloaded, but P2P players can. All overloaded players can accept an exchange.

4. Gaining Items: Various actions, such as defeating a monster or purchasing a subscription pet that includes resources, have the potential to make you overloaded.

Factors Influencing Pods

- Strength Points: Each point in Strength yields 5 Pods.