
Dofus - What is an Alliance

In the vast universe of Dofus, alliances stand as fundamental pillars for the prosperity and strategy of guilds. These tactical unions, orchestrated by leaders of various guilds sharing common goals, outline an essential part of the game. By joining an alliance, guilds gain a series of advantages that strengthen their position and grant them a significant competitive edge.

Among the most prominent benefits of belonging to an alliance is privileged access to the alliance chat, thus facilitating communication and coordination among members of different guilds. Additionally, alliances allow for collective defense of Perceptors, valuable resources within the game, belonging to any allied guild. This collaboration in protecting shared assets promotes the security and stability of all members.

Furthermore, being part of an alliance grants tactical advantages in combat, such as experience bonuses and higher drop rates when engaging in battles in areas controlled by the alliance. These incentives foster cooperation and teamwork among allied guilds, creating an environment conducive to growth and success in the world of Dofus.


While some guilds may opt to abstain from joining an Alliance due to various reasons, the majority usually find belonging to an Alliance advantageous. Being in an Alliance offers several benefits:

1. Nuggets Acquisition: Guilds can obtain Nuggets by recycling items with Alliance Prisms equipped with a Recycler. Nuggets can also be acquired by defeating monsters in areas recently subjected to King of the Hill (KotH) battles.

2. Access to Alliance Chat: Members of all guilds within the same Alliance can communicate easily and privately through the Alliance chat. This facilitates organization of dungeon runs, hunts, and general assistance within the game, fostering camaraderie among members.

3. Control of P2P Areas: Alliances can assert control over Pay-to-Play (P2P) areas using Alliance Prisms. Players within an Alliance benefit from increased experience gains and drop rates while fighting in areas under their Alliance's control.

4. Diplomatic Relations: The ability to defend any perceptor of any guild within the Alliance allows for the development of diplomatic relations between guilds.

5. Community Membership: Many Alliances coalesce around guilds sharing similar philosophies, creating a community of like-minded players. Being part of an Alliance enhances the overall gaming experience and fosters a sense of belonging.

6. Alliance Shield and Emblems: Members belonging to an Alliance can equip the Alliance Shield to proudly display their Alliance emblem. Additionally, a new emote has been introduced for Alliance members to showcase their Alliance's banner, further solidifying their allegiance.


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How to Join an Alliance

To become a part of an Alliance, your Guild must not already be affiliated with another Alliance. As the leader of your Guild, you'll need to receive an invitation from the leader of an existing Alliance. The leader of an Alliance is typically the leader of the first guild within the Alliance, who initiated its creation.

If you're seeking to join an Alliance, there are a few avenues to explore. Utilize the Recruitment Chat to express your interest and availability. Additionally, fostering friendships with other Guilds and their members can increase your chances of receiving an invitation to join an Alliance. Networking and establishing positive relationships within the gaming community can open doors to Alliance opportunities and enrich your overall gaming experience.

Alliance Creation

To establish an Alliance, you must first possess an Alliagem. Additionally, you need to be a Pay-to-Play (P2P) subscriber at the time of Alliance creation, although you can later allow your subscription to lapse and become a Free-to-Play (F2P) player while retaining leadership of your Alliance.


Alliances can be formed at the Alliance Temple, conveniently located at coordinates 13,34. To reach the temple, follow these steps: start at the Sufokia Zaap located at 13,26, then head right to 16,26, proceed downward to 16,29, and finally take the Boat available at 14,36. Alternatively, a newly established Zaap outside the Alliance Temple at 13,35 offers easier access after your initial visit. This streamlined route ensures convenient access to the Alliance Temple, facilitating the creation and management of your Alliance.

Alliance Roles

Within an Alliance, members can assume various roles with specific functions tailored for Alliance Battles. These roles include Healer, Undertaker, and Sentinel, each serving distinct purposes in the heat of battle. To acquire a role, members can speak with Hal Ions located at [13,35].

1. Healer: Healers possess the ability to revive characters transformed into tombstones during battles. When healed by a healer, the revived character can return to the territory and contribute to their alliance's score. Additionally, they can resume participation in combat within the war zone.

2. Undertaker: Undertakers have the authority to forcefully return tombed characters back to the cemetery without their consent. This action results in the removal of the characters from their alliance's score, rendering them unable to continue fighting in the specified war zone.

3. Sentinel: Sentinels are tasked with the responsibility of automatically attacking members of opposing alliances who pass within 6 cells of them while in a combat zone. This proactive stance enhances the defensive capabilities of the alliance and discourages enemy incursions.


1. Alliance Prism: Alliances wield the power to assert control over various Pay-to-Play (P2P) areas by deploying Alliance Prisms. Engaging in battles within territories controlled by your Alliance grants a 25% bonus to experience points and item drops. These prisms also facilitate teleportation between Zaaps and other Prisms, provided a Teleportation Module is installed.

To install a prism, you need both an Alliance Prism and the appropriate guild rights. After placement, you can schedule the prism's final battle, which can occur between 24 to 48 hours later. This timeframe can vary for each prism and can be altered afterward, except during the prism's weakened state.

Only one prism can occupy an area at a time, prompting alliances to vie for territorial dominance. Conquering a territory involves attacking the existing prism in two stages: the initial attack and the final battle.

During the initial attack, a 5v5 battle ensues against the Alliance Prism, akin to attacking a Perceptor. If successful, the prism enters a weakened state, triggering a final battle within 24 to 48 hours, determined by the defending alliance.

In the final battle, lasting up to two hours, the prism transitions from weakened to vulnerable. The fate of the area is decided through the "King of the Hill" mechanism, where the dominant alliance can either place a new Alliance Prism (if attacking) or repair an existing one (if defending).

2. AvA Mode: The AvA (Alliance versus Alliance) mode enables characters to engage with members of other alliances within the conflict area. AvA mode activation is restricted to Level 50+ characters and is available in non-conflict areas, provided it hasn't been activated on another character from the same IP.

3. King of the Hill (KotH): During the final battle, alliances vie for dominance through the KotH mechanism. The alliance outnumbering all others becomes the "king" of the territory. Sustaining this status for 30 minutes enables the "king" alliance to place or repair a Prism.

4. Rewards: Prisms hold Nuggets, which increase with item recycling. Winning KotH distributes Nuggets, with defenders receiving all and attackers receiving half. Nuggets can be exchanged for emotes, petsmounts, or sold to players at [13,35] in the Alliance Temple, managed by Teggun.