
Last Epoch Unique Weapons Ranking


In Last Epoch, the game features a variety of unique weapons that offer particular benefits to players at different stages of the game. These weapons, including axes, staves, and wands, are powerful tools that can enhance various gameplay strategies.

Last Epoch Unique Weapons Ranking

9. Alchemist's Ladle

Alchemist's Ladle

The Alchemist's Ladle is a highly sought-after wand in the game, valued for its versatility and potent effects. With a range of 1.7 and a base attack rate of 1.02, it offers players a unique set of advantages.

One of the key features of the Alchemist's Ladle is its ability to enhance melee attack speed by 13%, making it particularly valuable for close combat situations. Additionally, it boosts base spell damage by five and adds ten melee fire damage, making it a versatile option for spellcasters and melee-focused characters alike.

What sets the Alchemist's Ladle apart, however, is its unpredictable nature. On melee hits, there's a 20 to 45 percent chance that the wand may inflict various status effects such as chilling, igniting, poisoning, bleeding, slowing, shocking, or blinding your opponent. This unpredictability adds an element of excitement to combat encounters and makes each engagement unique.

Furthermore, the wand's effects are attributed to its infusion of various potions, adding to its mystique and allure. This infusion of potions allows players to tap into the power of alchemy during combat, further enhancing their abilities and providing them with an edge against their adversaries.

8. Morditas' Reach

Morditas' Reach

Morditas' Reach is a formidable two-handed polearm renowned for its strength and prowess in battle. With a range of 3 and a base attack rate of 0.98, it offers wielders a formidable advantage on the battlefield.

One of the standout features of Morditas' Reach is its ability to enhance your attacks with an impressive 82 melee physical damage. This significant boost in damage makes it a formidable weapon for dealing devastating blows to adversaries, ensuring that each strike lands with considerable force.

Furthermore, Morditas' Reach augments the potency of critical hits with its additional three to nine percent critical strike chance. This means that when landing critical strikes, the weapon's already formidable damage output is further amplified, allowing skilled warriors to inflict even greater harm upon their foes.

In addition to its offensive capabilities, Morditas' Reach also provides a boost to strength, adding an additional 5 to 15 points to this essential attribute. This increase in strength further enhances the wielder's combat abilities, granting them increased damage and improved proficiency with heavy weaponry.

It is a good sustain weapon because of its unique ability to leech one percent of cold damage as life. The weapon adds plus ten strength to builds that are based on strength. The weapon also deals 20 melee cold damage and has a 500 percent chance of frostbiting the user and their minions, perfect if you want to deal status effects to your enemies.

7.Humming Bee

Humming Bee

The Humming Bee is a formidable one-handed blade renowned for its agility and versatility in combat. With a range of 1.9 meters and a base attack rate of 1.12, it offers swift and precise strikes that can swiftly dispatch adversaries.

One of the key attributes of the Humming Bee is its additional +10 melee damage, making each strike significantly more potent. This boost in damage ensures that wielders can effectively cleave through enemy defenses and deal substantial harm with each swing.

Furthermore, the Humming Bee boasts a remarkable 20 percent increase in melee strike speed, allowing for rapid and relentless assaults on opponents. This enhanced attack speed enables skilled combatants to maintain pressure on their foes, leaving them little opportunity to retaliate.

In addition to its offensive capabilities, the Humming Bee provides a defensive advantage through the granting of three wards with each melee hit. These wards act as a protective barrier, shielding both the wielder and the weapon from enemy attacks. This added layer of defense provides invaluable protection in the heat of battle, offering players some extra leeway to assess their next move.

Moreover, the Humming Bee's unique ability to raise elemental damage by one percent for every 250 wards a player possesses adds an intriguing tactical element to its use. As wards accumulate, the weapon's elemental damage increases, further augmenting its potency in combat. Additionally, every 250 wards acquired also results in a one percent increase in fighting speed, allowing for even swifter and more fluid movements in battle.

6. Taste of Blood

Taste of Blood

Taste of Blood is a formidable one-handed axe renowned for its ability to inflict long-lasting damage upon adversaries. With a range of 1.9 and an impressive +20 to +30 Melee Physical Damage, it stands as a fearsome weapon capable of cleaving through armor and flesh with ease.

One of the standout features of Taste of Blood is its 15% increased bleed duration, ensuring that enemies suffer from bleeding effects for an extended period. This prolonged bleeding not only inflicts continuous damage but also weakens foes over time, making them more vulnerable to subsequent attacks.

Furthermore, Taste of Blood provides a unique advantage by granting the wielder 15 health every time they slay an opponent. This life-stealing ability allows warriors to sustain themselves in the heat of battle, ensuring they remain resilient and formidable even during prolonged engagements.

Additionally, Taste of Blood significantly enhances the chance for melee bleeding by 50 – 75 percent, further amplifying its damage-dealing potential. This increased chance for bleeding ensures that each strike has a high likelihood of inflicting debilitating wounds upon foes, leaving them weakened and vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

The weapon's evocative flavor text, suggesting a sensation of "bloody fervor" when wielded, implies that it instills a sense of viciousness and aggression in its user. This heightened aggression allows warriors to swiftly and effectively dispatch opponents already suffering from bleeding effects, exploiting their vulnerability to secure decisive victories on the battlefield.

5. Hammer of Lorent

Hammer of Lorent

The Hammer of Lorent is a legendary two-handed blunt weapon renowned for its formidable presence on the battlefield. With an impressive range of 2.4 meters and a base attack rate of 0.9, it stands as a symbol of strength and power.

One of the defining features of Lorent's Hammer is its ability to increase the probability of stunning opponents by 15 to 25 percent. This potent crowd control effect can turn the tide of battle by incapacitating foes, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

Additionally, Lorent's Hammer boasts a substantial increase in melee physical damage by 18 percent, ensuring that each strike lands with devastating force. This enhanced damage output allows wielders to crush through enemy defenses and deal significant harm to adversaries.

Moreover, the Hammer of Lorent provides a valuable boost to chilling on hit by 20 percent, inflicting long-term status effects on enemies. This chilling effect not only slows down opponents but also weakens them over time, making it easier to control the battlefield and dictate the pace of combat.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Lorent's Hammer is its unique ability to scale with the wielder's level. With each level gained, the weapon grants a one percent chance of a melee stun and one additional physical melee damage. This progressive improvement ensures that the Hammer of Lorent grows stronger alongside its wielder, becoming increasingly formidable with each passing level.

Furthermore, the lore surrounding the Hammer of Lorent adds depth and emotion to the game, as it is said to remember Lorent, the blacksmith who crafted it. This imbues the weapon with a sense of purpose and history, making it more than just a tool of destruction but a symbol of craftsmanship and legacy.

4. The Reach of the Grave

The Reach of the Grave

The Reach of the Grave wand is a powerful tool tailored for Necromancers seeking to bolster their minions' prowess on the battlefield. With a range of 1.7 and a base attack rate of 1.02, it offers a versatile means of commanding your undead forces.

One of the standout features of the Reach of the Grave wand is its ability to amplify your minions' attacks, granting them a substantial 70 to 120% increase in damage. This significant boost in damage ensures that your minions strike with even greater ferocity, decimating foes with each assault.

Furthermore, wielding the Reach of the Grave provides Necromancers with a valuable source of sustenance, offering a ten percent healing bonus. This ensures that you can sustain yourself and your minions throughout prolonged battles, allowing you to maintain pressure on enemies without fear of exhaustion.

Moreover, the wand doubles your minions' spell and bow damage, allowing them to unleash devastating attacks without the need for direct intervention. This frees up your attention and resources, allowing you to focus on other aspects of combat or strategic positioning.

Additionally, by maximizing the damage dealt by minions' spells and bow strikes, the Reach of the Grave wand effectively consolidates the benefits that items might provide, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently and save them for future use.

Furthermore, the leech effect provided by the Reach of the Grave prevents downtime and the need to constantly summon minions by ensuring that they remain energized and healthy throughout the fight. This sustained vitality allows your minions to remain effective and formidable allies, turning the tide of battle in your favor.

3. The Last Laugh

The Last Laugh

The Last Laugh is a distinctive two-handed sword boasting a unique design and formidable capabilities on the battlefield. With a range of 2.4 meters and a base attack rate of 1.06, it offers wielders a potent tool for dispatching adversaries with swift and decisive strikes.

At the core of The Last Laugh's prowess is its impressive +40 melee physical damage, complementing its base physical damage of 53. This significant boost in damage ensures that each strike lands with devastating force, cleaving through armor and flesh with ease.

Furthermore, The Last Laugh possesses a formidable ten to 25 percent chance to shred armor on a melee hit. This ability to weaken opponents' defenses makes it particularly effective against heavily armored foes, ensuring that each strike leaves them more vulnerable to subsequent attacks.

One of the standout features of The Last Laugh is its deadly finishing ability, which swiftly eliminates opponents with less than 15 percent health. This ensures that battles are brought to a swift and decisive conclusion, sparing wielders the prolonged engagements that can sometimes occur.

Moreover, The Last Laugh offers a unique tactical advantage with its five percent chance of a melee critical strike if your dodge rating is below 100. This incentivizes players to carefully consider their character's build and optimize their chances of landing critical hits, adding an additional layer of strategic depth to combat encounters.

2. Culnivar's Claim

Culnivar's Claim

Culnivar's Claim is a remarkable weapon renowned for its versatility and potency in both melee and spellcasting. With a range of 1.9 and a base attack rate of 0.98, it offers wielders a formidable advantage on the battlefield.

At the core of Culnivar's Claim's power is its impressive 90% increased spell lightning damage, making it a coveted weapon for spellcasters specializing in lightning-based magic. Additionally, it raises base spell damage by 71–110 and adds 35 physical damage in melee, making it a formidable option for both melee combat and spellcasting.

Furthermore, Culnivar's Claim boasts several additional benefits that further enhance its effectiveness in combat. It lowers the cost of spell mana by three, allowing spellcasters to cast their spells more frequently without worrying about mana constraints.

Moreover, this special weapon offers significant boosts for lightning-based spells, including a 90% increase in lightning critical hit probability and spell lightning damage. These bonuses ensure that lightning spells cast with Culnivar's Claim are more potent and more likely to critically strike, dealing devastating damage to enemies.

Additionally, Culnivar's Claim enhances mana regeneration by ten percent, ensuring that spellcasters can maintain a steady supply of mana to fuel their abilities during prolonged battles.

One of the most unique features of Culnivar's Claim is its special ability, which activates after reaching full mana. This ability converts 100% of your mana into a ward, providing invaluable protection against incoming damage in high-stakes battles. This function not only enhances the wielder's survivability but also allows for more aggressive playstyles by mitigating the risk of taking damage.

1. The Torch of the Pontifex

The Torch of the Pontifex

The Torch of the Pontifex stands as a fearsome two-handed blunt weapon, imbued with the fiery wrath of its wielder. With a range of 2.4 meters and a base attack rate of 0.9, it commands a formidable presence on the battlefield.

At its core, the Torch of the Pontifex boasts an impressive +38 melee physical damage, ensuring that each strike lands with devastating force. This potent damage output is further augmented by its formidable 20 - 60 percent melee stun chance, allowing wielders to incapacitate foes with each powerful blow.

However, what truly sets the Torch of the Pontifex apart is its ability to enhance fire damage by an astounding 130 to 170 percent. This dramatic increase in fire damage transforms enemies into little more than ash, ensuring that they are swiftly consumed by the flames of destruction.

Furthermore, the Torch of the Pontifex possesses a unique and eerie ability. There is a ten percent chance that an opponent who has been cremated by its flames will see a burning skeleton for ten seconds. This haunting phenomenon serves as a testament to the weapon's terrifying power, instilling fear and dread in the hearts of enemies.

In the hands of its wielder, the Torch of the Pontifex becomes a symbol of devastation and fire, bringing terror to the battlefield. Its flames consume all who stand in its path, leaving naught but ash and bone in their wake. In conclusion, the Torch of the Pontifex is not just a weapon it is a harbinger of destruction, wielding the power of fire to incinerate all who dare to oppose its master.