
Mage DPS Guide for Season of Discovery Phase 2

Mage DPS Guide for Season of Discovery Phase 2

In the Season of Discovery, Mages experience a significant shift in their gameplay dynamics, thanks to the introduction of powerful runes that reshape their approach to PvE content. Traditionally, Frost Mages in Classic followed a somewhat predictable rotation, heavily relying on Frost spells like Frostbolt. However, with the advent of the Season of Discovery, the meta has shifted towards playing Arcane or Fire, breathing new life into Mage gameplay.

1. Fire Mages: Fire Mages were dominant in Classic, particularly in raids, showcasing potent Ignites and impactful Fireballs. Season of Discovery adds to the already formidable Fire toolkit with exceptional runes:

- Living Flame: Summons a trail of spellfire towards the target, causing devastation in its wake.

- Living Bomb: An iconic Mage spell from Wrath of the Lich King, Living Bomb is a massive damage-over-time (DoT) spell that explodes for substantial AoE damage after 12 seconds. It also detonates if dispelled, making it valuable in PvP.

- Hot Streak: Grants an instant cast Pyroblast whenever non-DoT spells crit twice.

- Combustion: Boosts crit chance with all spells by 15%, and Spell Power increases the crit damage bonus by 50%.

Despite the strength of Fire Mages, mana management becomes crucial, especially with the current level cap at 40, where Mages typically lack substantial Intellect.

2. Arcane Mages: While Arcane Mages existed in Classic, they were often overshadowed by other specs. Season of Discovery introduces new spells that elevate the Arcane Mage:

- Arcane Explosion: Resembling its TBC/WOTLK counterpart, this version does not buff Arcane Blast but enhances all other Arcane spells.

- Arcane Barrage: Unleashes the remaining mana in a powerful burst of Arcane energy, potentially dealing up to 300% more damage based on the mana available. After casting, you gain 300% mana regeneration.

The synergy between Arcane Explosion and the Missile Barrage rune is noteworthy, reducing the channel time of Arcane Missiles by 50% and lowering its mana cost by 100%.

Mage DPS Guide for Season of Discovery Phase 2

Mage Scrolls Guide

In addition to the potent runes introduced in the Season of Discovery, Mages now have access to scrolls that serve various purposes, from enhancing runes to providing self-buffs and unique abilities such as resurrection with Reintegration. These scrolls can be discovered across Azeroth and identified using an Amulet of Understanding. Once identified, they become buffs lasting 30 minutes. Notably, there are three tiers of scrolls, each requiring a specific character level for use: Level 10 for Tier 1, Level 20 for Tier 2, and Level 40 for Tier 3. Below are the scrolls in each tier and their potential outcomes:

Tier 1 Scrolls - Level 10

2. Parchment: CHAP BALK WELLES
3. Scroll: KWYJIBO
4. Scroll: CWAL

Potential Outcomes for Tier 1 Scrolls:

- Level 1 scrolls for all stats (e.g., Scroll of Intellect)
- Reintegration Scroll

Tier 2 Scrolls - Level 20

1. Scroll: WUBBA WUBBA
2. Pergamino: STHENIC LUNATE
3. Scroll: OMIT KESA
4. Pergamino: YOU WELL

Potential Outcomes for Tier 2 Scrolls:

- Level 2 scrolls for all stats (e.g., Scroll of Intellect II)
- Arcane Power Scroll I
- Arcane Precision Scroll I
- Arcana Recovery Scroll I
- Scroll of Protection against the Arcane - Frost I
- Scroll of Protection against the Arcane - Fire I
- Reintegration Scroll
- Polymorph Scroll: Strange Melon
- Scroll of Liminal Passage
- Scroll of Understanding
- Lesser Evocation Scroll

Tier 3 Scrolls - Level 40

1. Parchment: HOW HEAVY
4. Scroll: COLLEAGUE
5. Parchment: IKOZAS OFFER

Potential Outcomes for Tier 3 Scrolls:

- Cryoblast Scroll
- Arcane Power Scroll I
- Arcane Precision Scroll I
- Arcana Recovery Scroll I
- Scroll of Protection against the Arcane - Frost I
- Scroll of Protection against the Arcane - Fire I
- Reintegration Scroll
- Polymorph Scroll: Strange Melon
- Scroll of Liminal Passage
- Scroll of Understanding
- Lesser Evocation Scroll

These scrolls not only add an extra layer of complexity to Mage gameplay but also provide valuable utility for different situations, making them a valuable asset in the ever-evolving world of Azeroth.


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Viability for Mage DPS

Mages are indeed powerhouses when it comes to dealing Area of Effect (AoE) damage, making them invaluable assets in many group situations such as dungeons, raids, and battlegrounds. Their ability to effectively handle multiple enemies at once through spells like Blizzard, Arcane Explosion, and Flamestrike can quickly turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Furthermore, Mages also excel in single-target damage, particularly in longer fights where they can fully utilize their powerful spells and cooldowns. As Mages acquire better gear and their stats improve, their single-target damage output only continues to improve, solidifying their position as one of the top damage dealers in the game.

Overall, Mages are highly viable for DPS (Damage Per Second) roles in both single-target and AoE situations, offering versatility and effectiveness across various encounters. With their exceptional damage potential and utility spells, Mages remain a popular choice for players seeking to maximize their contribution to group content in World of Warcraft.

Strengths and Weaknesses


1. Exceptional AoE Damage: Mages boast powerful AoE capabilities with spells like Blizzard, Arcane Blast, Living Bomb, and Living Flame, making them ideal for dealing with groups of enemies.

2. Extremely High Single Target Damage: Mages excel in dealing high single-target damage, especially in longer fights where they can fully utilize their potent spells.

3. High Mobility: The Translation ability provides Mages with excellent mobility, allowing them to reposition quickly during encounters.

4. Versatile Healing and Resurrection: Mages bring utility to the group with the ability to resurrect fallen allies using Reintegración. Additionally, Regeneración Rápida enables them to heal themselves and others, adding a layer of survivability.

5. Excellent Cooldowns: Mages possess powerful cooldowns such as Arcane Power, Combustion, Presence of Mind, and Frozen Veins, allowing for bursts of increased damage output during crucial moments.

6. Utility Spells: Arcane Intellect, Conjure Water, Polymorph, Conjure Food, and the ability to create portals (e.g., Portal: Stormwind) contribute to the group's success and utility.


1. Squishiness: Mages are inherently squishy and can be vulnerable to damage. Positioning and awareness are crucial to avoid taking unnecessary hits.

2. Mana Dependency: Mages heavily rely on mana for their spells, and the size of their mana pool directly affects their damage output. Managing mana efficiently is crucial, and extended fights may pose challenges.

3. Lack of Defensive Abilities: Until reaching Level 25 and gaining Bloqueo de Hielo, Mages lack strong defensive abilities, making them susceptible to sustained enemy attacks.

4. High Contention on Loot: Mages often share gear with other spellcasting classes, leading to increased competition for desirable items in raids and dungeons.

Best Runes for Mage DPS

1.  Burnout Rune:

- Ability: Burnout

- Increases your spell critical strike chance with all spells by 15%.

- Non-periodic spell critical strikes have an additional mana cost of 1% of your base mana.

- Usage: Excellent for providing a significant boost to your spell critical strike chance, especially beneficial for maximizing Ignite damage. Be mindful of the additional mana cost for non-periodic spell critical strikes.

2.  Living Bomb Rune:

- Ability: Living Bomb

- The target becomes a Living Bomb, dealing Fire damage over 12 seconds. After 12 seconds or dispelling, the target explodes, causing Fire damage to nearby enemies.

- Usage: Essential for Fire Mages, offering a powerful Damage over Time (DoT) effect that also deals area-of-effect (AoE) damage. A key component for maximizing Fire mage DPS in both single-target and multi-target situations.

3.  Living Flame Rune:

- Ability - Living Flame: Summons a spellfire flame that moves toward the target, leaving a trail of spellfire. The trail deals Spellfire damage every second to nearby enemies. Lasts 20 seconds.
- Usage: Provides a potent fire spell with versatile applications for both single-target and AoE damage. Considered valuable in situations where the boss is frequently repositioned or for maximizing damage output in specific encounters.

4. hot streak rune Hot Streak Rune:

- Ability - Hot Streak: Any time you score 2 non-periodic spell criticals in a row with Fireball, Fire Blast, Scorch, or Living Bomb, your next Pyroblast spell cast within 10 seconds will be instant cast.

- Usage: Enhances the Fire Mage's rotation by making Pyroblast an instant cast after achieving a Hot Streak. This rune rewards skillful play and critical strike management.

5. Spell Power Rune Spell Power Rune:

- Ability - Spell Power: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of all spells by 50%.

- Usage: A powerful rune that significantly boosts the critical strike damage bonus of all spells. Enhances the overall damage output of your critical strikes, making it a valuable addition to your toolkit.

Note: Choose runes based on your playstyle, preferences, and the specific encounters you'll be facing. Each rune serves a unique purpose, and the optimal combination may vary depending on your chosen rotation and strategy. Experiment with different setups to find the best synergy for your Fire Mage DPS.


Fire Mage Rotation:

1. Precast Pyroblast: Begin the encounter by precasting Pyroblast so that it lands on the boss as the fight starts.

2. Chamuscar Stacks: Cast Chamuscar until you have five stacks of Chamuscar Mejorado on the boss. This is crucial for maximizing damage.

3. Living Flame: Keep Llama Viva on cooldown. Use it whenever it is available to deal additional damage.

4. Living Bomb: Maintain Living Bomb on the boss at all times. Avoid clipping it, and allow it to explode before reapplying.

5. Cooldowns: Utilize Combustion and Neurolinked Arcane Filament Monocle (if available) during your burst phases. Cast Fireball only during your Combustion window for maximum damage.

6. Filler Spell: Use Chamuscar as your filler spell between cooldowns and procs.

7. Buena Racha Procs: Cast your instant-cast Pyroblast whenever you receive a Buena Racha proc.

Arcane Mage Rotation:

1. Precast Arcane Explosion: Start the encounter by precasting Arcane Explosion to land on the boss as the fight begins.

2. Cooldowns: Activate Arcane Power, Presence of Mind, and Neurolinked Arcane Filament Monocle (if available) to enhance your burst damage.

3. Arcane Blast Stacks: Cast Arcane Blast until you have 4 stacks. Be mindful of mana consumption.

4. Living Flame: Keep Llama Viva on cooldown. Use it when you have four stacks of Arcane Explosion, as it buffs Llama Viva.

5. Arcane Explosion Stacks: Cast Arcane Explosion three or four times, depending on your mana. Start with three for safety and progress to four as your mana pool allows.

6. Arcane Missiles: Use Arcane Missiles to reset your stacks. Utilize Tromba de Misiles procs as they occur.

7. Repeat: Repeat the rotation, keeping track of your Arcane Explosion stacks for optimal damage and mana management.

Stats and Gear Recommendations

Stat Priority:

1. Spell Hit: Aim for the 5% Hit cap, crucial for ensuring your spells hit the target consistently.

2. Intellect: Increases mana pool and critical strike chance.

3. Spell Power: Enhances the damage output of your spells.

4. Critical Strike: Increases your chance to critically hit, especially beneficial for Fire mages due to Ignition mechanics.

5. Spirit: Aids in health and mana regeneration.

6. Stamina: Provides additional health to avoid being one-shot by mechanics.

Gear Recommendations:

1. Rings:

- Ring of the Knowledge Guardian A or Ring of the Councilor H: Honored reputation with Silverwing Sentinels is required. Offers spell damage, stamina, and mana regeneration.

- Resonant Blood Ring (Arcane) and Ember Blood Seal (Fire): Obtainable from the Blood Moon event in Stranglethorn Vale. Best-in-slot rings for Phase 2.

2. Helm:

- Gnomish Neuro-Goggles: A powerful tailor-crafted helm with high spell power, intellect, and an on-use effect providing 50 spell power for 12 seconds.

3. Cloak:

- Putrescent Blood Cloak: Best-in-slot cloak obtained from the Blood Moon event in Stranglethorn Vale. Costs 2 Silver Blood Coins.

4. Wand:

- Wand of Fiery Wrath, Wand of Abyssal Power, Wand of Frost Fury: Best-in-slot wands for each specialization, obtained from a mage quest.

5. Trinket:
- Summoner's Pearl of the Void: Remains a strong trinket in Phase 2 and is considered best-in-slot. Aim to obtain it if you haven't already.


- The Blood Moon event in Stranglethorn Vale offers strong gear, including rings and cloaks. The event involves earning Blood Coins, and some items are considered best-in-slot for Phase 2.

- Pay attention to mage-specific scrolls, like Arcane Precision Scroll I, for additional spell hit.

- While raid gear is not listed, keep in mind that acquiring powerful gear from raids will significantly enhance your performance.

Best Professions for Mage DPS

1. Tailoring: Tailoring is considered mandatory for mages in Phase 2 due to the crafting of the powerful Gnomish Neuro-Goggles (Monóculo de filamento Arcano gneurovinculado). This tailor-crafted helm provides a substantial amount of Spell Power, intellect, and features an on-use effect that grants 50 Spell Power for 12 seconds on a ten-minute cooldown. Obtaining this helm is highly recommended for maximizing your DPS.

2. Enchanting: Enchanting is a strong DPS option for your second profession. By choosing Enchanting, you gain access to the enchantment Sigilo de innovación, which provides a significant boost of 20 Spell Power for a duration of 30 minutes. This enchantment contributes to your overall damage output and is a valuable addition for mages seeking to optimize their performance.