Demonic gorillas, formidable beings located in the Crash Site Cavern, pose a significant challenge. During Monkey Madness II, players confront two of them in the second-to-last phase of the battle. Once the quest is finished, additional demonic gorillas inhabit the cavern alongside their tortured counterparts. Players engage with these creatures mainly to obtain valuable drops such as zenyte shards and ballista components.
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Access the Crash Site Cavern by heading northwest of the Grand Tree. Opt for the royal seed pod's teleport function, then head in a northwest direction. Pass through the gap in the fence and proceed northeast to swiftly enter the cave, ensuring the quickest travel route.
Demonic gorillas present unique challenges that players should understand before engaging in combat, particularly for those less experienced in facing them.
Defeating a Demonic Gorilla necessitates monitoring one's damage output, switching protection prayers after enduring three missed hits, evading the gorilla's specialized boulder attack, and effectively toggling between Melee and Ranged gear. All this must be accomplished while keeping an eye on the gorilla's shifts in protection prayers and accounting for its current attack style. It's recommended to familiarize oneself with the mechanics provided below prior to embarking on a Demonic Gorilla encounter for the first time.
Attack Patterns: Demonic gorillas employ all three combat styles, each capable of inflicting up to 30 damage.
Magic Attack: The gorilla rises up, extending its forelegs, and releases a green orb from its mouth. Melee Attack: The gorilla swipes its claws downwards, targeting the player. Ranged Attack: The gorilla grabs a small boulder with its front claws and hurls it at the player. Boulder Toss: The gorilla hurls a boulder, which materializes above the player's location when executing this attack. Failure to move away from it results in the player taking damage equivalent to 33% of their health. The boulder covers a 1x1 area. This maneuver is only employed during Ranged or Magic attacks; it's not used during melee combat. The Demonic gorilla's Magic attack. The Demonic gorilla's Magic attack.
The Demonic gorilla's Melee attack. The Demonic gorilla's Melee attack.
The Demonic gorilla's Ranged attack. The Demonic gorilla's Ranged attack.
Demonic gorillas initiate combat with a random attack style, engaging the player upon closing in for melee or being hit from a distance.
Following three consecutive missed hits against the player (irrespective of whether the protection prayer blocked them or not), the gorillas will alter their attack style. The boulder toss attack is not counted in these missed hits. Keeping track of the missed hits is beneficial for anticipating the next attack style change.
Importantly, correctly praying against the third attack is crucial for ensuring consistent attack style switches. A distinct auditory cue, accompanied by the text "Rhaaaaaaa!" as an overhead message, signifies the gorilla's attack style transition.
Upon spawning, a gorilla briefly pauses before thumping its chest and altering its protection prayer. Each gorilla employs all three protection prayers (Protect from Melee, Protect from Magic, and Protect from Missiles), but only one is active at any given moment. The active protection prayer grants them full immunity against attacks of that style, impervious to any bypass attempts using a dragon scimitar or Verac's set.
The protection prayer remains in effect until the gorilla accumulates 50+ damage from the style(s) it isn't safeguarding against. At this point, it shifts its prayers to another style. This cumulative damage applies to all styles, not just one. For instance, if a gorilla takes 49 Melee damage and subsequently takes 26 damage from Ranged, it will immediately switch to Protect from Missiles. This strategy is especially effective when the gorilla is safeguarding against Magic, as their Magic level and Defense bonuses make them challenging to hit with Magic attacks.
When a gorilla alters its protection prayers, any player attacking it will disengage from combat. Swiftly changing gear and promptly re-engaging with the gorilla is crucial to maintain the battle.
When a gorilla solely uses Ranged or Magic, it may occasionally hurl a boulder. The boulder's location is indicated by its shadow, appearing above the player's position when the attack is executed. If players do not move at least one tile away from the shadow, they will suffer 33% of their health as damage. The boulder affects a 1x1 area, and its trajectory can be anticipated from the shadow. Notably, gorillas abstain from using this attack while in Melee mode. Importantly, this boulder attack does not contribute to the required three "missed" hits that prompt the gorilla's attack style change.
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Malicious ashes | 1 | Always | 1,214 | |
Zenyte shard | 1 | 1/300 | 7,946,767 | |
Ballista limbs | 1 | 1/500 | 29,574 | |
Ballista spring | 1 | 1/500 | 29,514 | |
Light frame | 1 | 1/750 | 28,827 | |
Heavy frame | 1 | 1/1,500 | 109,621 | |
Monkey tail | 1 | 1/1,500 | 354,190 | |
Rune platelegs | 1 | 1/14.29 | 37,736 | |
Rune plateskirt | 1 | 1/14.29 | 37,744 | |
Rune chainbody | 1 | 1/25 | 29,381 | |
Dragon scimitar | 1 | 1/50 | 59,54 | |
Grimy cadantine | 7–13 (noted) | 1/111.1 | 23,051–42,809 | |
Grimy dwarf weed | 7–13 (noted) | 1/111.1 | 7,973–14,807 | |
Grimy kwuarm | 7–13 (noted) | 1/88.9 | 24,787–46,033 | |
Grimy lantadyme | 7–13 (noted) | 1/148.1 | 10,374–19,266 |