
Vexamus Boss Guide in Algeth'ar Academy Dungeon

Vexamus Boss Guide in Algeth'ar Academy Dungeon

Vexamus, a formidable adversary within Algeth'ar Academy, emerges as a creation of the time-bending prowess wielded by Professor Maxdormu. As a seasoned bronze dragon and one of the academy's most venerable educators, Maxdormu orchestrates an encounter that seamlessly combines education and adventure. While the historical lessons presented are designed to be engaging, Vexamus stands as an unwavering enforcer, quick to admonish any inaccuracies with no tolerance for deviation.

Vexamus provides an immersive and challenging encounter that seamlessly blends education with gaming. Players must tread carefully through the corridors of time, armed with both weapons and knowledge, to emerge victorious in the quest for historical accuracy.

Académie d'Algeth'ar à WoW Dragonflight : guide du donjon et des boss -  Breakflip

Vexamus Abilities

Professor Maxdormu:

1. Arcane Orbs Arcane Orbs: The Professor conjures enchanted orbs from his magic book, causing 30 Arcane damage within a 3-yard radius upon impact. These orbs gravitate towards Vexamus. If absorbed by Vexamus, the elemental gains 20 energy and deals 12 Arcane damage to all players. If a player absorbs an orb, they suffer 10 Arcane damage.


1.  Arcane Fissure: Upon reaching 100 energy, Vexamus releases a powerful explosion, dealing 13 Arcane damage to all players and pushing them back. Fissures erupt at player locations, inflicting 50 Arcane damage within a 4-yard range.

2.  Mana Bombs: Vexamus infuses explosive mana into up to 3 players, causing 5 Arcane damage every second for 4 seconds. Upon expiration, the mana detonates, inflicting 10 Arcane damage within a 4-yard radius and leaving a pool of Corrupted Mana for 1 minute.

3. Corrupted Mana: The Corrupted Mana pool inflicts 18 Arcane damage every second to players within its radius, reducing their movement speed by 30%.

4.  Arcane Expulsion: Vexamus expels a mass of arcane energy, dealing 45 Arcane damage to players in its frontal cone.

Tips and Strategy

Professor Maxdormu, with his arcane expertise, weaves an intricate lesson unveiling the narrative of Vexamus, the elemental force within Algeth'ar Academy. As the story unfolds, players are introduced to the formidable arsenal of Arcane abilities wielded by Vexamus, each chapter of the lesson revealing the challenges that lie ahead.

Professor's Arcane Conjurations:

Maxdormu's magic book is a conduit for the manifestation of [Arcane Orbs], enchanted spheres that orbit Vexamus, enhancing its power with every absorption. Players must remain vigilant as these orbs traverse the battlefield, ensuring they intercept or absorb them strategically to thwart Vexamus's growing strength.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Tanks: Brace yourselves for the formidable [Arcane Expulsion], a devastating frontal cone attack by Vexamus that inflicts substantial damage. Positioning is key, and tanks should ensure they shield their allies from this powerful assault. Additionally, be aware that Vexamus gains energy from absorbing [Arcane Orbs], necessitating vigilant orb interception.

Damage Dealers: As damage dealers, your focus lies in managing the aftermath of [Mana Bombs]. These explosive orbs, once detonated, create a perilous pool of [Corrupted Mana]. Exercise caution in navigating this corrupted terrain while also keeping a watchful eye on intercepting or absorbing [Arcane Orbs], preventing Vexamus from reaching peak energy levels.

Healers: Healers play a crucial role in mitigating the aftermath of Mana Bombs by tending to those affected by the lingering Corrupted Mana. Simultaneously, the vigilant interception or absorption of Arcane Orbs is essential to prevent Vexamus from gaining excessive energy. Coordination among healers is key to managing the dynamic challenges presented by these arcane forces.