
WoW Dragonflight - Council of Dreams Boss Guide

The Council of Dreams stands steadfast in their duties as defenders of the realm. Each member brings unique skills to ensure victory and the protection of their land.

Pip: A master of lethal trickery, Pip employs deadly cunning to confound and defeat his victims. His swift movements and ability to vanish into the shadows make him a feared adversary, difficult to predict.

Urctos: With unstoppable brute strength, Urctos demolishes his enemies with unmatched fury. His size and physical power allow him to take on the most formidable opponents, destroying everything in his path with terrifying ease.

Aerwynn: Endowed with deep wisdom and outstanding cunning, Aerwynn dominates the battlefield with her sharp mind. Not only does she guide her fellow council members with impeccable strategies, but she also manipulates situations to her advantage, ensuring they always have the upper hand.

Together, these three members form a formidable team, each complementing the other's skills to protect their realm from any threat. The Council of Dreams is a perfect balance of intelligence, strength, and cunning, always ready to face any challenge that comes their way.

Council of Dreams Abilities

1. Rebirth Rebirth: When reaching 1 health, council members tap into the dream-casting Rebirth, restoring 30% of their health while keeping their allies conscious.

2. Thundering Impact Thundering Impact (Urctos): Urctos unleashes an earth-shaking roar, dealing 531,553 Physical damage to all players, reduced by the number of players struck by Barreling Charge.

3. Blind Rage Blind Rage (Urctos): At 100 energy, Urctos enters a wild assault for 20 seconds, dealing 35,437 Physical damage to all players every 2 seconds. Each slam increases his damage done by 30% for the duration, but leaves him susceptible to Polymorph Bomb.

- Ursine Rage Ursine Rage (Urctos): If Blind Rage is not interrupted, Urctos gains 500% increased damage done for the duration of the encounter.

4. Barreling Charge Barreling Charge (Urctos): Urctos focuses on his current target for 5 seconds, then charges, inflicting 88,592 Physical damage to players in his path. Upon reaching his target, Urctos unleashes a Thundering Impact.

5. Agonizing Claws Agonizing Claws (Urctos): Urctos slashes his current target, dealing 664,442 Physical damage and increasing damage taken from Agonizing Claws by 100% for 18 seconds. This effect stacks.

6. Constricting Thicket Constricting Thicket (Aerwynn): At 100 energy, Aerwynn conjures vines for 20 seconds, lashing out at all players, dealing 22,148 Nature damage every 1 second and decreasing their movement speed by 10%. This effect stacks and increases in stacks every 3 seconds. This channel leaves Aerwynn susceptible to Barreling Charge.

- Relentless Barrage Relentless Barrage (Aerwynn): If Constricting Thicket is not interrupted, Aerwynn unleashes a furious bombardment for 3 seconds, launching javelins at all players, poisoning targets for 44,296 Nature damage every 1.5 seconds for 30 seconds. This effect stacks.

7. Noxious Blossom Noxious Blossom (Aerwynn): Aerwynn showers the ground with blossoms emitting poisonous fumes, dealing 2,215 Nature damage to all players every 3 seconds until destroyed.

- Corrosive Pollen Corrosive Pollen (Aerwynn): Noxious Blossoms additionally inflict 66,444 Nature damage every 0.5 seconds to players standing within.

8. Poisonous Javelin Poisonous Javelin (Aerwynn): Aerwynn launches poison-laced javelins at players, inflicting 132,888 Nature damage on impact, an additional 66,444 Nature damage every 1 second, and reducing their movement speed by 30% for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.

9. Song of the Dragon Song of the Dragon (Pip): At 100 energy, Pip sings a captivating song causing all players to absorb 153,966 Corrosive Pollen damage.

- Captivating Finale Captivating Finale (Pip): When Song of the Dragon concludes, all players still affected by it begin to dance, becoming stunned and suffering 53,155 Nature damage every 1 second for 15 seconds.

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10. Polymorph Bomb Polymorph Bomb (Pip): Pip's magic transforms players into ducks for 12 seconds, granting them Slippery, Hungry, and enabling them to Quack! and Preen. Upon removal, the magic spreads, incapacitating players within 7 yards for 3 seconds.

- Hungry/Satiated Hungry/Satiated (Pip): When affected by Hungry, characters have an insatiable appetite and cannot Preen. Consuming a Noxious Blossom removes one application, replaced by Satiated once removed.

- Preen Preen (Pip): Requires Satiated. Cleanses the character, removing the effects of Polymorph Bomb.

- Quack! Quack! (Pip): Leap forward as a duck, gaining a rush of adrenaline and increasing movement speed by 100% for 6 seconds.

- Slippery Slippery (Pip): Harmful poisons slide off the character's feathers, reducing Nature damage taken by 99%.

11. Emerald Winds Emerald Winds (Pip): Pip channels massive gusts of wind for 3 seconds, pushing all players away, dealing 66,444 Nature damage, and inflicting an additional 17,718 Nature damage every 0.5 seconds.

Tips and Strategy

Players engage in battle against the formidable Council of Dreams, comprised of the fearsome werebear Urctos, the naturalist dryad Aerwynn, and the mischievous faerie dragon Pip. Each council member unleashes their most powerful attacks upon reaching 100 energy, casting Blind Rage, Constricting Thicket, or Song of the Dragon respectively. When a council member reaches 1 health, they tap into the Dream, casting Rebirth, but this fails if their allies suffer the same fate.


- Urctos' Agonizing Claws inflicts Physical damage, leaving the target vulnerable to subsequent Agonizing Claws.

- Urctos' Barreling Charge inflicts reduced damage as more players share the burden and interrupts Aerwynn's Constricting Thicket.

- Pip's Song of the Dragon applies Captivating Finale if not dispelled.

Damage Dealers:

- Upon removal, Polymorph Bomb affects nearby players and also impacts Urctos during Blind Rage.

- Urctos' Barreling Charge inflicts reduced damage as more players share the burden and interrupts Aerwynn's Constricting Thicket.

- Pip's Song of the Dragon applies Captivating Finale if not dispelled.


- Upon removal, Polymorph Bomb affects nearby players and also impacts Urctos during Blind Rage.

- Pip's Song of the Dragon applies Captivating Finale if not dispelled.

- Urctos' Agonizing Claws inflicts high Physical damage.