In the depths of the Shadowed Crucible lies Neltharion's sanctuary, the Earth-Warder's refuge and research center. Legends persist that remnants of his formidable presence still linger within these confines, like echoes contemplating the fate of the black dragonflight and scheming to ensure its dominance.
The Echo of Neltharion, as it's known, is more than mere reminiscence; it's a silent witness to the dark machinations lurking in the shadows. In this hidden abode, where light scarcely dares to penetrate, whispers of the past intertwine with anticipation of the future. Here, amidst dim corridors and forgotten chambers, plans of power and ambition are hatched, woven with the determination of a dragon seeking to secure its legacy.
In this enigmatic place, Neltharion's essence continues to resonate, an eternal echo reverberating in the hearts of those who dare to venture into his domain. In every corner, in every shadow, vestiges of his greatness and aspirations are found, reminders of a time when his influence stretched over vast lands and darkened skies.
Within the Shadowed Crucible, the Echo of Neltharion presents a formidable array of abilities that reflect the Earth-Warder's power. Divided into three stages, each unveils new challenges for adventurers.
Neltharion demonstrates his dominion over earth and fire, triggering volcanic eruptions and seismic convulsions. Players must navigate collapsing terrain and evade the Twisted Earth's wrath while combating his relentless assault. Some of his abilities include:
1. Twisted Earth: Neltharion raises walls of earth from the chamber's floor, causing Volcanic Blast where they emerge.
- Volcanic Blast: The erupting segment inflicts volcanic damage and knocks players away.
2. Volcanic Heart: Players are infused with volcanic energy that explodes after a delay, dealing damage to nearby players.
3. Echoing Fissure: Neltharion shatters the ground, inflicting damage to players within range.
4. Rushing Darkness: Neltharion blasts players with shadow damage and knocks them away.
5. Calamitous Strike: Neltharion strikes his target with a massive blade, increasing physical damage taken.
6. Ruptured Veil: The Voice From Beyond ruptures reality, inflicting shadow damage to all players.
As the battle intensifies, Neltharion's darkness envelops the chamber, marking an intermission characterized by collapsing earth and waves of shadowy corruption.
1. Raze the Earth: Neltharion causes any remaining Twisted Earth to erupt with a Volcanic Blast and Collapsed Earth to fall.
- Volcanic Blast: The erupting segment of Twisted Earth inflicts 118,378 Volcanic damage to players in 7 yards, and knocks them away.
- Collapsed Earth: Rubble falls from the ceiling, inflicting 118,072 Nature damage to players within 3 yards and stunning them for 1 sec.
2. Surrender to Corruption: Neltharion surrenders to darkness, inflicting 29,518 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec. and a final burst of 88,554 Shadow damage as the channel ends. Neltharion afflicts several players with Corruption.
With darkness tightening its grip, Neltharion succumbs further to corruption, unleashing potent shadow magic and summoning twisted aberrations to assail his foes. Some of his abilities include:
Voice From Beyond
1. Empower Shadows: The Voice from Beyond empowers Neltharion with dark power, allowing him to cast Shadow Barrier upon reaching 35% remaining health.
2. Umbral Annihilation: Neltharion draws dark power to annihilate players.
3. Crumbling Facade: Rubble periodically falls from the damaged ceiling, inflicting 184022 Volcanic damage to players within 3 yards.
4. Rushing Darkness: Neltharion blasts several players for 88,554 Shadow damage and knocks them away, inflicting an additional 88,554 Shadow damage to any players between Neltharion and his targets and silencing them for 3 sec. Colliding with a segment of Twisted Earth causes it to Shatter.
- Shatter: Impacting a segment of Twisted Earth shatters it, inflicting 44,277 Physical damage to the impacting player. Fragments burst from the impact, inflicting 14,759 Physical damage to all players every 1 sec. for 14 sec. This effect stacks. Pelts the chamber with
Shattered Rock.
5. Sunder Shadow: Neltharion sunders his target's shadow, inflicting physical damage.
- Shadow Strike: Neltharion strikes the player's body while they are incorporeal, inflicting 184022 Physical damage to the body and hurtling it towards the player. The player rejoins their body and receives its missing health as Shadow damage. Increases damage taken from Sunder Shadow by 300% for 40 sec.
The player's body colliding with a segment of Twisted Earth causes it to Shatter.
- Shatter: Impacting a segment of Twisted Earth shatters it, inflicting 55207 Physical damage to the impacting player
- Shattered Rock: Rock fragments inflict 92011 Nature damage to players standing at the impact location.
Reality begins to unravel as Neltharion tears open portals to the void realm, unleashing chaos and destruction. Some of his abilities include:
1. Sunder Reality: Neltharion rips nearby Twisted Earth into portals to the void realm.
Twisted Aberration: Aberrations hunger for flesh and chaos.
2. Ebon Destruction: Neltharion draws upon his might and blasts all players for 1.4 million Volcanic damage, and an additional 73,795 Fire damage every 1.5 sec for 15 sec. This power dispels any Sundered Reality near players.
3. Rushing Darkness: Neltharion blasts several players for 88,554 Shadow damage and knocks them away, inflicting an additional 88,554 Shadow damage to any players between Neltharion and his targets and silencing them for 3 sec. Colliding with a segment of Twisted Earth causes it to Shatter.
- Shatter: Impacting a segment of Twisted Earth shatters it, inflicting 44,277 Physical damage to the impacting player. Fragments burst from the impact, inflicting 14,759 Physical damage to all players every 1 sec. for 14 sec. This effect stacks. Pelts the chamber with
Shattered Rock.
4. Calamitous Strike: Neltharion strikes his target with a massive blade, increasing physical damage taken
The Echo of Neltharion periodically raises walls of Twisted Earth throughout the chamber. As the battle commences, Neltharion triggers Echoing Fissures to erupt in the newly confined space. Upon reaching 60% remaining health, Neltharion Surrenders to Corruption, summoning Voices From Beyond throughout the chamber. Once all Voices From Beyond are slain, Neltharion begins to rip open portals to overwhelm players with Twisted Aberrations and the might of his Ebon Destruction.
- Calamitous Strike greatly increases players' damage taken.
- Sunder Shadow inflicts Physical damage and leaves players' corporeal bodies vulnerable to Shadow Strike.
- Calamitous Strike and Sunder Shadow knock players back with enough force to destroy Twisted Earth.
- Rushing Darkness knocks players backwards with enough force to destroy Twisted Earth.
- Neltharion protects himself with Shadow Barrier upon reaching 35% health if any Voices From Beyond remain.
- Twisted Aberrations periodically emerge from the portals created by Sunder Reality.
- Calamitous Strike greatly increases players' damage taken.
- Players hit by Sunder Shadow are vulnerable just before Shadow Strike.
- Shatter inflicts damage to all players each time a wall is shattered.