
WoW Dragonflight - Igira the Cruel Boss Guide

Driven by an insatiable cruelty, Igira is a master torturer whose dark powers allow her to forge devastating weapons from the very screams of her enemies. Each cry of agony, each desperate plea for mercy, is twisted and reshaped by her malevolent will into instruments of death and destruction. Her insidious craft knows no bounds, and the pain of others is the raw material from which she fashions her deadly arsenal.

Within the verdant realm of the Emerald Dream, a place of serene beauty and boundless life, Igira's presence is a blight. The torturer seeks to expand her arsenal by corrupting the very essence of this once-pure domain. The lush landscapes, teeming with vibrant flora and fauna, now tremble under the shadow of her malevolence. Igira's goal is clear: to harness the primal energies of the Emerald Dream and bend them to her will, transforming this sanctuary into a nightmarish forge of suffering.

As Igira's influence spreads, the guardians of the Emerald Dream find themselves in a desperate struggle to protect their sacred land from her relentless onslaught. The stakes are high, for should Igira succeed, her twisted creations could spell doom not just for the Emerald Dream, but for all realms connected to its life-giving magic. Only the bravest and most determined heroes can hope to stand against Igira the Cruel and thwart her dark ambitions.

Igira the Cruel Abilities

1. Vicious Swing Vicious Swing: Igira's melee attacks also strike the next closest player. If no target is found, her primary target is struck again. Each melee strike also applies Drenched Blades.

- Drenched Blades Drenched Blades: Igira lacerates her target, inflicting 11,074 Shadowflame damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.

- Gathering Torment Gathering Torment: Igira harvests the torment from her victims, inflicting 31,007 Shadowflame damage to players within an area Marked for Torment.

- Flesh Mortification Flesh Mortification: Igira's torment scars the player's flesh, increasing damage inflicted by Gathering Torment by 100% after 10 seconds.

- Searing Sparks Searing Sparks: Sparks fly from Igira's hammer towards players, inflicting 336,227 Shadowflame damage to players within 4 yards and knocking them back. Each swing of her hammer inflicts 132,888 Shadowflame damage to all players.

Ruinous End Ruinous End: If none of Igira's areas of torment are extinguished, she smashes the ground, inflicting 398,665 Shadowflame damage to all players and an additional 110,740 Shadowflame damage every second for 30 seconds.

- Umbral Destruction Umbral Destruction: Igira smashes her current target, inflicting 531,553 Shadowflame damage to all players, reduced by the number of players within 10 yards of the impact location.

- Smashing Viscera Smashing Viscera: Igira leaps to players, inflicting 398,482 Shadowflame damage to players within 8 yards of each impact and knocking them back. Igira's leaps inflict 221,480 Shadowflame damage to players outside the impact zone.

- Devastation Devastation: With each leap, Igira unleashes waves of devastation that inflict 332,842 Shadowflame damage to players they hit.

- Heart Stopper Heart Stopper: Igira hurls blades at several players, causing them to absorb 487,560 healing for 15 seconds. Upon expiration, the target's heart explodes, inflicting 243,629 Shadowflame damage to all players.

- Vital Rupture Vital Rupture: Shadowflame orbs erupt from the afflicted player, inflicting 221,452 Shadowflame damage to players they contact and an additional 31,030 Shadowflame damage every second for 15 seconds.

2. Blistering Spear Blistering Spear: Igira hurls spears at players, tethering them to the ground and inflicting 199,446 Shadowflame damage to players within 10 yards of the impact. While present, the spear radiates Blistering Torment.

- Blistering Torment Blistering Torment: Heat radiates from the spear, inflicting 62,015 Shadowflame damage every second to players within 10 yards until the spear is destroyed.

3. Twisting Blade Twisting Blade: Igira expels swirling blades in the direction of a player, inflicting 177,184 Shadowflame damage to players hit.

4. Harvest of Screams Harvest of Screams: Igira increases her damage done by 10% when she reaches 100 energy. This effect stacks.

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5. Marked for Torment Marked for Torment: Igira inflicts 310,073 Shadowflame damage, knocking back players within 45 yards and igniting three areas for torment. Players standing within an ignited area cause it to shrink but suffer Gathering Torment while Igira forges her next weapon. Igira's finished weapon changes based on which area players fully extinguish. If no area is extinguished, Igira unleashes Ruinous End. While forging a weapon, each of Igira's hammer strikes launches Searing Sparks.

- Gathering Torment Gathering Torment: Igira harvests the torment from her victims, inflicting 31,007 Shadowflame damage to players within an area Marked for Torment.

- Searing Sparks Searing Sparks: Sparks fly from Igira's hammer towards players, inflicting 336,227 Shadowflame damage to players within 4 yards and knocking them back. Each swing of her hammer inflicts 132,888 Shadowflame damage to all players.

- Ruinous End Ruinous End: If none of Igira's areas of torment are extinguished, she smashes the ground, inflicting 398,665 Shadowflame damage to all players and an additional 110,740 Shadowflame damage every second for 30 seconds.

Tips and Strategy

Igira the Cruel is a formidable opponent who restricts her victims' movements and tortures them relentlessly. She uses her abilities to control the battlefield and enhance her power through the torment she inflicts. At 100 energy, Igira casts **[Marked for Torment]**, igniting areas in her chamber that torment players standing within them. Depending on where players position themselves within these ignited areas, Igira's weapon changes, granting her new abilities.

Damage Dealers

- Blistering Spears: Restrict movement when players are tethered to them.

- Focus on destroying the spears to free tethered players and allow more mobility.


- Heart Stopper: Inflicts significant damage upon expiration. Be prepared to heal players who are affected.

- Harvest of Screams: Increases Igira's damage with each application. Monitor and mitigate the increasing damage output.


- Vicious Swing: Igira's melee attacks also strike the next closest target. Position carefully to manage the damage distribution.

Weapon Transformations

Depending on the area players choose to stand in during Marked for Torment, Igira's weapon will change, granting her new abilities:

Hacking Torment

- Igira forges an axe that drinks the agony of her enemies.

- Abilities focus on heavy, direct damage and agony-based effects.

Slicing Torment

- Igira forges a sword that sunders the earth with each swing.

- Abilities include wide-reaching attacks and earth-shattering strikes.

Flaying Torment

- Igira forges a knife to carve the hearts from her victims.

- Abilities involve precise, high-damage attacks aimed at critical targets.