
WoW Retail - Mastering the Fury Warrior in TWW

The Fury Warrior is the perfect choice for those who crave non-stop action. With a fast-paced and dynamic playstyle, this specialization focuses on generating rage and unleashing it in a flurry of blows upon your enemies. Its rotation is simple yet effective: build rage to cast Rampage and keep Enrage active. All of its abilities are designed to keep you constantly moving, with no downtime. If you're looking for a class that allows you to experience the thrill of battle constantly and without complications, the Fury Warrior is your ideal companion.


- Item Level (ilvl): This is your first priority. The higher your item level, the greater your strength, and consequently, the more damage you'll deal. It's like leveling up, but for your gear!

- Mastery: This stat is closely tied to our ability "Raging Blow". What does this mean? The more Mastery you have, the more damage you'll deal while enraged. And as a Fury Warrior, we want to be enraged all the time!

- Haste: Imagine yourself as a killing machine. Haste makes this machine work faster. It increases your attack speed and your spell casting speed. Faster, stronger, better!

- Versatility: This stat is like a shield and a weapon at the same time. It reduces the damage you take and increases the damage you deal. A real wildcard!

- Critical Strike: Who doesn't want to land devastating critical hits? This stat increases your chance to deal extra damage with your attacks. Imagine your enemies' faces when you hit them with a crit!


Fury Warriors face a crucial choice when selecting their Hero Talent: embrace the fury of the storm with Mountain Thane or become a master of execution with Slayer.

Mountain Thane

By choosing Mountain Thane, Fury Warriors become masters of chaos. Chain Lightning and Thunder Clap deal devastating damage and generate a large amount of Rage, replacing Whirlwind in the rotation. Combined with Power Torrent, electrical damage becomes the core of your gameplay. However, this specialization can be more complex to master due to the chaotic nature of its abilities.


If you prefer a more direct and single-target focused playstyle, Slayer is your choice. This talent greatly enhances Execute and Bladestorm, turning you into a killing machine. Improved mobility and the ability to interrupt make Slayer an excellent option for PvP and certain PvE situations.



Crowd Control: 

- Pummel: This ability is your secret weapon for interrupting enemy spells. It's like a good uppercut that knocks the wind out of your opponent (or rather, their spell). Use it frequently to thwart the casters' plans.

- Piercing Howl: Need to slow down a mob of enemies? Piercing Howl is your answer. This ability slows all nearby enemies, giving you time to regroup or escape.

- Hamstring: If you need to focus on a specific target, Hamstring is your ally. This ability slows a single enemy, making them easier to catch and control.


- Vicious Mutilate: This ability is your lifesaver. It heals you for a chunk of health and removes any negative effects on you. Perfect for getting out of sticky situations.

- Battle Shout: Is your group taking a lot of damage? Battle Shout is the solution. This ability increases the maximum health of all party or raid members, making them more resilient to enemy attacks.

- Battle Cry: This classic ability increases the attack power of your entire group for a full hour. It's like a little gift for your teammates!


Ready to wreak havoc on the battlefield? As a Fury Warrior, your primary goal is to deal as much damage as possible while keeping your Rage topped off. Here's a breakdown of how to do it:


Starting the Fight:

- Recklessness and Avatar: Begin each encounter by activating both of these abilities simultaneously. Recklessness increases your Rage generation and critical strike chance, while Avatar transforms you into a Colossus, boosting your damage.

- Rampage:Once you're enraged, use Rampage. This ability not only deals damage but also keeps your Rage high and empowers your following attacks.

Maintaining Rage:

- Execute and Slam:Execute is crucial for applying the Ashen Juggernaut buff and increasing your critical strike chance. Slam is a powerful strike that deals significant damage.

- Champion's Leap and Whirlwind: These abilities are excellent for generating additional Rage, especially when facing multiple enemies.

Maximizing Damage:

- Charge and Bloodthirst:These abilities are ideal for finishing off enemies and dealing burst damage.

- Slam:Use Slam as a filler ability when you have nothing else to cast.

Additional Tips:

- Prioritize Rage:Always look for ways to keep your Rage as high as possible.

- Adapt your rotation: Your rotation may vary depending on the situation and the talents you choose.

- Experiment:Don't be afraid to try different combinations of abilities to find what works best for you.

- Consult guides and simulations:There are many online guides and simulations that can help you optimize your rotation.

Rotation Summary:

1. Recklessness + Avatar
2. Rampage
3. Champion's Leap
4. Execute
5. Whirlwind
6. Slam
7. Charge
8. Bloodthirst
9. Slam (filler)

Remember, this is a basic guideline. As you become more familiar with Fury Warrior, you can customize your rotation and adapt it to different situations. Have fun and dominate the battlefield!

Strengths and Weaknesses


- Offensive Versatility: Fluidly transitions between taking down single targets and wreaking havoc on groups of enemies.

- Explosive Mobility: Quickly closes gaps and moves around the battlefield with agility.

- Personal and Group Survivability: Possesses strong defensive abilities to protect themselves and their team.

- Strategic Cooldowns: The cooldowns of their most powerful abilities reset periodically, allowing for dynamic and adaptable gameplay.


- Target Dependency: Effectiveness decreases significantly when there are no enemies to attack.

- Limited Sustained Damage: Struggles to maintain consistent damage on a single target over extended periods.

- Movement Restrictions: Mobility can be hindered in situations that require maintaining a specific distance from the enemy.

- Vulnerability: Lacks abilities to avoid lethal damage or escape dangerous situations.